Simonlucio Idolo Scarpelli

Simonlucio Scarpelli deals with commercial and corporate law, offering support to Italian clients and multinational groups, with particular reference to extraordinary transactions and ongoing consultancy to companies in the field of corporate secretarial and commercial contracts. Simonlucio also offers assistance to various EuVECA funds in the structuring and implementation of investments with a focus on social impact profiles. Furthermore, Simonlucio assists clients in the real estate sector, supporting them in asset management activities and in the acquisition and disposal of real estate assets.
In 2023 he began his early forensic training course and obtained his degree in Law with honors from the University of Padua, discussing a thesis in civil procedural law on the precautionary powers of arbitrators.
During his university career he held the position of tutor for the chair of private law and participated in a summer law school at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen, where he had the opportunity to perfect his English language skills.
Simonlucio joined RP Legal & Tax in January 2025.