Piergiorgio Bonacossa
Attorney at Law | Partner

Piergiorgio Bonacossa is an expert in employment law, both in and out of court.
Ensuring the protection of corporate interests, he consults on industrial relations, amongst others dealing with the management of contracts of employment, tenders, logistics and agency agreements. The assistance offered mainly regards trade union relations, the drafting of contracts and business policies, individual and collective redundancies, corporate restructuring operations and business transfers.
With his experience accrued in corporate law, Piergiorgio also deals with extraordinary operations, acquisitions and disposals of investments, shareholder agreements and corporate and business compliance matters.
Piergiorgio joined the RP Legal & Tax partnership in 2016 and has consolidated national and international experience: he is part of the RPLT Japan desk and is member of the UIA – Union Internationale des Avocats.
He teaches accredited training and for trade and professional associations.