Alessandro Gulisano
Certified Public Accountant | Partner

Alessandro Gulisano – former partner of leading professional firms – provides tax and corporate consulting to resident companies and multinational groups. In addition, thanks to his solid experience in accounting, corporate and tax matters, he focuses on corporate reorganisations (Tax Domestic).
He is active in domestic and international tax planning, transfer pricing transactions and Patent Box applications, as well as assisting in the preparation of domestic and international commercial and financial contracts. (Tax International)
Provides pre-litigation and litigation tax advice and assistance to resident companies and multinational groups. (Tax Litigation)
He holds the position of Statutory Auditor and Member of the Supervisory Board pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2007 in several Italian companies and is a member of the Italian section of the IFA – International Fiscal Association. He has been a lecturer at the Scuola Superiore dell’Economia e delle Finanze “Ezio Vanoni” (a training school of the Ministry of Economy and Finance) and is a lecturer at “Il Sole 24 Ore” within the framework of the Masters in Tax Law and Administration Finance and Control.
He collaborates with “Il Sole 24 Ore”, as well as with “Il Fisco”, “Corriere Tributario”, “Bilancio e Reddito di Impresa”.
He holds a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Catania, and a master’s degree in Tax Law from the LUISS Guido Carli University. He is a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Bookkeeping Experts of Milan and of the Register of Auditors.