Alessandra Spagnol
Attorney at Law | Partner

Alessandra Spagnol assists clients in all matters linked to family problems, child law, succession and wealth protection.
She works with a multidisciplinary group that deals with wealth management and tax.
Her experience accrued over the years in civil law, in and out of court, as well as in the specific sector of personal law, allows her to offer clients a broader view in dealing with national and international separations and divorces, civil unions, cohabitation contracts, the custody of children, adoption of children and adults, trusts, generational hand-overs, family agreements, national and international successions, support administrations, prohibitions, damage compensation, wealth divisions and inheritances.
When she considers her work, Alessandra never forgets that
“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today”
Ernest Hemingway.
Alessandra joined RP Legal & Tax in 2021.
She is president of the Civil Chambers of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta.