Luciano Racchi
Attorney at Law | Partner

Luciano Racchi has consolidated experience as a lawyer in labor law, social security law, and union law, handling all legal issues related to human resources management. In his career he has assisted and assists companies and large industrial groups belonging in particular to the chemical-pharmaceutical, telecommunications, construction, engineering, environmental services, and service industries.
He is an expert in complex corporate reorganizations and restructurings, collective procedures and negotiation of labor agreements, outsourcing processes, top management remuneration methods, as well as labor litigation and social security litigation with particular expertise in disputes related to the classification of work for the correct application of INAIL premium rates.
A speaker at conferences, seminars, and training courses, he is the author of articles and commentaries on judgments in labor law matters, published in industry journals. He has been a member of the E.C. of AGI Lombardia for two consecutive terms and is a member of AGI (Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani)
A graduate of the University of Milan, he is a member of the Milan Bar Association.