Luitgard Spögler
Attorney at Law | Partner

Luitgard Spögler, Lawyer, Partner at RP legalitax
Luitgard has specific experience and expertise in the field of banking and financial, payment services, collective asset management, pension funds regulation. She provides legal and professional advice to clients in the set-up phase, on an ongoing basis, in response to specific needs, for the realisation of projects for the establishment of alternative investment funds (venture capital, private equity and real estate, credit AIFs).
She advises and assists on corporate governance and board review processes, ESG reporting requirements, internal control functions (internal audit, risk management, compliance, anti-money laundering), administrative sanctioning procedures. She also assists clients in corporate reorganisation and extraordinary transactions, securitisation and listing transactions.
Luitgard is a speaker at specialised conferences on topics falling within the areas of her expertise and professional experience and she is also author of contributions and comments on regulatory issues.
Currently she is: Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Banca Sistema (an Italian bank listed on the STAR segment of the Italian stock exchange); Vice-Chairperson of the Supervisory Board and Chairperson of the Risk and Sustainability Committee of Alperia S.p.A. (an Italian public multi-utility company); Joint Representative of the holders of perpetual bonds of Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano.
Previously, Luitgard Spögler worked at the Bank of Italy – Supervision. She was responsible at the European Commission – DG Internal Market for drafting the UCITS Directives (Asset management companies, Product and Simplified Prospectus Directives). She was also a member of high-level expert groups at ESMA and of the Italian delegation in negotiations for the adoption of EU directives (MiFID, UCITS, IMEL, investor compensation schemes). She was a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of Borsa Italiana.
She is a founding member of the Bank of Italy Women’s Association and a member of the Italian Fuori Quota Association. She is a member of AEDBF (Association Européenne pour le Droit Bancari et Financier).
Languages: Italian, German, English, French.